Nature has become more and more fragmented in the Low Countries, either through land development or extensive farming. Primary forests have not existed in this region since late medieval times. The offspring of these wild forests are still around, although they have become exceedingly rare. Only 3% of the Dutch forests consist of indigenous / wild populations as of today. Often, these wild trees are not recognized as such and not protected.

Preservation of our wild trees is vital. Aside from the fact that they are part of our historical and cultural heritage, they often contain a large genetic variation. Cultivars and selections for production are oft made and selected, based on certain desirable qualities. This reduces their genetic bandwidth. Especially wild populations provide a large source of genetic variability and are better equipped to adapt to climate change.

Since 2022, Morgan Ruben has stated a collaboration with Ecologisch Adviesbureau Maes (EAM). Commissioned by this agency, we work on the mapping of indigenous populations in the Netherlands. Likewise, we research the morphological differences between wild trees, cultivars and their counterparts from other areas in Europe. Often, this is still unknown.


2022 Inventarisatie duingebied bij Meijendel - EAM voor Dunea

2022 Onderzoek genenbank - EAM voor Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederland

2022 Inventarisatie Amerongse bos en bovenpolder - EAM voor Utrechts Landschap

2022 Zoetermeersche meerpolder - EAM voor gemeente Zoetermeer, provincie Zuid-Holland

2022 Kartering hakhout Zalkerbos - EAM voor Provincie Overijssel